RaiseAUM.com - Practical Tools to Increase your Assets Under Management (AUM)

Book Summaries

Good to Great by Jim Collins   This book has many great tools and tips that can be applied to give your investment firm an edge over the competition.  

In Search of Excellence by Tom Peters The summary of this book will save you six hours of reading and provide with you a concentrated synopsis of how you can apply the thousands of hours of research that Tom's team completed to help grow your investment group. 

The Tipping Point by Malcom Gladwell  Malcom Gladwell's best seller, "The Tipping Point" stresses the important and full use of all three major "types" of business professionals needed to get your firm's brand and message past the tipping point.  

Built to Last by Jim Collins   Jim Collins sold millions of copies of this book.  This summary will let you absorb all of his critical messages to help grow your investment firm's Assets Under Management (AUM). 

Spin Selling SPIN Selling is an excellent book and for those of you who have never read it, I don't recommend it. Instead get the SPIN Selling Fieldbook. It is much easier to read and full of practical applications.

Conceptual Selling - In the book Conceptual Selling, there is something discussed called Question Shock.  This is where we enter the prospects office with 4 or 5 questions
ready to go, and we start firing away.


Have you read a great book on investment marketing, third party marketing, or another topic related to raising an investment firm's assets under management?  Emails us title and author of the book at Contribute@RaiseAUM.com.


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